Angel Gilding
Map and Directions: Gardner RdBroadviewIL
Street: 1945 Gardner Rd
City: Broadview
State: IL
Zip Code: 60155
Country: USA
Website: Website Title (visited 6 times)
Contact Person: Alexandra Gomez
Phone: 708-383-3340 866-341-3340
PRODUCTS OR SERVICES: Complete kits and supplies to make and modify mirrors including products for silver, galena (cobalt), gold, and copper mirrors plus antiquing, glass scalloping, and other decorative work with mirror
BRIEF ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Complete, illustrated instructions and videos free to view on our website anytime. We ship domestic and international orders, most within 24-48 hours.
Located in: Mirror Remover | Mirroring Supplies | Gloves | Manufacturer of Supplies or Equipment | Non-Acid Etching Equipment and Supplies | Publisher of Glass Related Products | Masks | Painting Equipment and Supplies | Vinyl Resist | Sponges | Patinas/Patina Remover | Face Shields | Glass Painting | Glass Storefront / Dealer of Supplies to the Consumer