Fusion Headquarters
Map and Directions:
https://www.google.com/maps/place/15550 NE Kincaid RdNewbergOR
Street: 15550 NE Kincaid Rd
City: Newberg
State: OR
Zip Code: 97132
Country: USA
Website: Website Title (visited 49 times)
Contact Person: Gil Reynolds
Phone: 503-538-5281
Fax: 503-538-6527
PRODUCTS OR SERVICES: Glass Fusing supplies, equipment, and classes
PRODUCT TRADE NAMES: Fuse Master Products
Located in: Designer | Screen Printing Supplies | Restoration Work Provider | Pontils | Blowpipe | Consulting | Independent Artists / Home Studio Offering Work for Resale | Glass Publications | Bent | Glory Holes | Coils | An Educator who Teaches Glass | Spray | Glass Painting | Glass Storefront / Dealer of Supplies to the Consumer | Fire Bricks | Pyrometers | Controllers | Gloves | Hand Painted Medallions | Safety Glasses | Slumping Equipment and Supplies | Fusing Instruction | Fiber Board | Enamels | Pliers, Breaking/Grozing/Running | Fusible | SAFETY SUPPLIES | Wholesale Distributor of Supplies or Equipment | Shelves | Dichroic | Fusing Equipment and Supplies | Kiln Wash | Ceramic Kiln Paper | Posts | Shelf Primer | Kilns | KILN EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES | Design Services | Glass Tiles | GLASS | Tools | Crystal Sheet | Respirators | Manufacturer of Supplies or Equipment | Hardware | Videos, DVDs | Display Items | Engraving Equipment and Supplies | Powders | Drills | Frits | Rods | GLASSBLOWING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES | Stringers | Face Shields | Diamond Tools | Bits | Chemical Supplies | Saws | Cutting Equipment and Supplies | Iridescent | Grinding Equipment and Supplies | Cathedral | Opalescent | Clear Sheet | Books | Glass Breaking Tools | Glass Cutters