American Glass Supply Co.
Map and Directions: Ludelle StreetFort WorthTX
Street: 2442 Ludelle Street
City: Fort Worth
State: TX
Zip Code: 76105
Country: USA
Website: Website Title (visited 114 times)
Contact Person: Connie Speer
Phone: 1-866-535-2651 or 817-535-2651
Fax: 817-536-7120
PRODUCTS OR SERVICES: Glass equipment and supplies, kilns, tools, sheet glass, molds, kits, and packages
BRIEF ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Offering glass fusing classes and workshops; consulting programs
PRODUCT TRADE NAMES: Skutt, Oceanside Glass & Tile®, Olympic, Gryphon, Creative Stained Glass, Creative Paradise
Located in: Microwave Kilns | Videos, DVDs | Consulting | Glass Storefront / Dealer of Supplies to the Consumer | Fusing | Pyrometric Cones | Ventilation Systems | Non-Acid Etching Equipment and Supplies | Glass Education Centers / Glass Schools | Cutting Equipment and Supplies | Drills | Masks | Goggles | Fire Bricks | Coils | Wire | Clocks and Parts | Jewelry Supplies | Diamond Tools | Safety Glasses | Controllers | Sponges | Frits | Glass Rods | Wholesale Distributor of Supplies or Equipment | Glass Painting | Hand-rolled | Glass Cutters | Dichroic | Glass Breaking Tools | Adhesives / Epoxy | Pyrometers | Spray | Saws | Fusing Instruction | Pliers, Breaking/Grozing/Running | Opaque | Kiln Wash | Fiber Board | Fusing Equipment and Supplies | Slumping Equipment and Supplies | Grinding Equipment and Supplies | Iridescent | Opalescent | Glazing Products | Fusible | Shelves | Clear Sheet | Cathedral | Kilns | Posts | Ceramic Kiln Paper | Others | Shelf Primer | Enamels | Crystal Sheet | Polishing Equipment and Supplies | Acid Etching Equipment and Supplies | Mold-making Equipment and Supplies | Stringers | Molds, Pre-made | Gloves